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In-store pickup only
*Minimum order total
*Only in Italy - Minimum order € 49
1. Introduction
These conditions are inspired by and they are conform to the principles of Quality adopted by Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl and to the concept of Global Quality in the relationship between Customer and Supplier. Thus their spirit is not the protection of the interests of the Supplier, but the achievement of the best level of collaboration between both parties, at the service of the primary interest of the end user. The form is then an agreement between the Customer and the Supplier, who engage in good faith to comply with certain rules useful for the achievement of the Global Quality in their technical and commercial relationship.
2. Guarantee
The supplier guarantees the good quality of its products committing itself, during the warranty period specified below, to repair (in its own workshops) or replace free of charge as soon as possible those parts which prove faulty, provided that this does not depend on damages caused by incompetence or negligence of the Customer, for use outside the specifications, from unauthorized access, by fortuitous events or force majeure. The warranty period is 24 months from the date of sale for products carrying the CE mark.
3. Technical Information
The technical information is based solely on data published by the manufacturers. We reserve the right to change or adapt the technical and dimensional parameters based on what will be communicated by the manufacturers without notice.
4. Orders
Orders are accepted at our offices or directly on the Internet. The Customer will have the order confirmation by receiving an e-mail with a specific online notice that he can save to his computer if he want a written validation. Elettrodomex has always the right to refuse the order received and promptly notify the customer, for example in case of anomalies occurred for any reason, incongruent prices or offers, out of stock products, etc.
5. Prices
All prices shown on this website are net prices and are to be understood VAT included (unless otherwise specified). Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl reserves its right to change the prices at any time without prior notice.
6. Shipping and Delivery
Shipments, unless otherwise requested, will be made by couriers defined by Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl or its delegate. In this case, and only when the cost of shipping is charged, the goods travel at our risk. In case of theft or loss, Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl is committed to send a new product. In case the customer decides to pick up the goods himself, Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl declines any responsibility after the goods have left its warehouses. The delivery time is evaluated from two to five working days, unless otherwise required or specific agreements.
7. Risk and Property
The goods is shipped prepaid and charged on the invoice. In the event that the goods were shipped to the port assigned on the customer instructions, the risk is deemed to be paid by the customer from the time of collection of the goods from our store. Upon delivery, the customer must verify the integrity of packages and their correspondence with the quantity and quality as specified in the accompanying document. In case of discrepancy, the same should be reported on the accompanying document and within three days by mail or fax to Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl. Even if the packaging is intact, the goods must be checked within eight days of receipt. Any mistakes must be reported within a further three days to Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl. Each message beyond this deadline will not be taken into account.
8. Payments
The goods that we supply may be paid by: credit card (on Unicredit – Settimo Torinese ), PayPal, anticipated wire transfer (Unicredit – Settimo Torinese ) and credit card at our store and headquarter (Viale Umbria 53, Milano). Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl. reserve its right not to ship goods, even after accepting the order, to customers who are "insolvent".
9. Right of Cancellation of the Orders
The customer may request the cancellation of the order that is not yet packed and Elettrodomex 3.0 S.r.l. reserves the acceptance of the cancellation of that order. Cancellations must be sent in written form within 14 working days from reception of the goods, even without motivation by the side of the customer. Elettrodomex 3.0 S.r.l. reserves the right to not accept the cancellation if the same goods had been ordered specifically to own supplier to fulfill the order in question. Besides, if Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl was not able to process your order requested because of the unavailability, even temporarily, of the ordered product, has the right to cancel the sale within 30 days from the date of the order, providing the customer with a simple and motivated communication, under art. 54, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 206/05. In this case the customer will only be entitled to a refund of the amount already paid. It is possibile to request a return by clicking here (if you are a registered customer), or here (if you are not a registered customer).
10. Right of Withdrawal and return of the goods
The right of withdrawal is guaranteed and regulated in accordance with law by Articles 64 et seq. of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 2005/206).
The return of the purchased goods to Elettrodomex 3.0 S.r.l. must be requested and authorized in advance by contacting our office, explaining the reasons for the specific request and mentioning the invoice and/or the transport document (DDT).
Before returning the goods you must wait the written authorization and the appropriate allocation of return number. The goods to be returned must be in perfect condition, sent in the original packaging and shipped free port to our warehouse in Viale Umbria 53 Milano, mentioning on the document the allocated return number and attaching an appropriate acceptance conditions form duly filled and signed for acceptance by an authorized person. The time period for refund is 30 days
11. Complaints
Any errors in shipping or omissions of material must be reported in written form according to the schedule set forth in paragraph 7.
12. Responsibility and Disagreement
Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect damages resulting from delay or non-delivery of the product or for any other reasons not directly attributable to Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl. Regardless of laws or industry practices, Customer and Supplier agree on the discussion in good faith of any problems as the best means for the realization of a mutual relationship of Global Quality. They therefore undertake to clarify any dispute (not remediable through direct discussion) without recourse to legal action, that is to say only through the Arbitral clause referred to the next step. They also recognize explicitly, with the acceptance of the present conditions, the total value of the supply as the upper limit of financial responsibility for each of the two parties.
13. Arbitral clause
Any disputes arising between the parties shall be decided by arbitrators appointed by the Supplier and the Client (one for each). The arbitrators so appointed shall provide for the appointment of a third referee. In absence of an agreement, the latter shall be appointed by the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan. The Board of Arbitration will decide an irrevocable, final and unappealable to any other level of judgment by either party.
14. Privacy and Security
The Decree No. 2003/196 (ex 675/ 96) ensures that the processing of personal data will be processed respecting their rights , fundamental freedoms and dignity of natural persons, with particular reference to privacy and personal identity.
As provided for by Italian Decree No. 2003/196 (ex 675/ 96), we inform you that the processing of personal data, which will be done through information technology, has the purpose of enforcing the contract .
Where necessary we will send the data to the shipping company responsible and the other companies involved in the various stages of the sales process. This transfer of data is essential to Elettrodomex 3.0 Srl for the execution of the contract of sale.
Note also that these data can be used to provide information about the events, promotions and product launches. To the same end , the data may only be available to companies related to us. In any case we will not use the information in our possession for other purposes than those listed above.
You may exercise the rights provided for by Decree No. 2003/196 (ex 675/ 96) with the competent authorities. In addition, pursuant to Decree No. 2003/196, you can anytime request not to receive our messages by sending an e -mail to with the subject " Unsubscribe ".
15. Note
The conditions contained in this document may be changed without notice and will be valid from the date of this publication or on the website which is always our official reference.
16. Relevant Legislation
All contracts are executed in Italy and are subject to Italian laws that regulate the remote retail sales, in particular the Law 675/96, Ministerial Decree 185/99 and Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003.
17. Online dispute resolution for consumers
The consumer resident in Europe must be aware that the European Commission has established an online platform for alternative dispute resolutions that provides for an out-of-court method to solve any dispute related to and stemming from online sale and service contracts. As a consequence, if you are a European consumer, you can use such platform for resolving any dispute stemming from the online contract entered into with the Owner. The platform is available at the following link ( The Owner is available for any questions via email at